Identify solutions to help you control costs and better prevent expenses

Provide you with group insurance advice

  • Analyze, negotiate and ensure stability with the insurer
  • Improve health and cost management
  • Help in the evolution of coverage
  • Provide a framework for disability practices and complex cases
  • Optimize the level of fees, pooling fees and services received

A simple and efficient methodology

  • Analysis of current coverage
  • Review of plan costs
  • Use of data from our database, as well as those available from insurers, in order to analyze the trends, and the determining factors that influence the group experience
  • Simulations of future experience
  • Analysis of disability factors and solutions
  • Use of our underwriting expertise in negotiation with insurers
  • Recommendations for fiscal optimization strategies for the group plan and cost sharing

Don’t wait until the next renewal of your group insurance plan!

We offer you an evaluation of your organization’s group insurance plan, performed by our team of experts, with no commitment or cost on your part

The analysis of your situation in 6 major points:

  1. Is your plan’s taxation optimized?
  2. Is your plan subject to contamination, or is it illegal?
  3. Do you pay unnecessary premiums? Is your plan competitive in your business sector?
  4. Are you protected from potential lawsuits due to errors and omissions?
  5. Do you know what to expect at your next renewal?
  6. Does the current insurer offer you their best coverage?

Who We Work With